
Ending violence against women – 5 things men can do

By October 10, 2021 October 19th, 2021 No Comments

Mark White, MEUS founder 

With events that have taken place over the last few months, there’s no denying that violence against women is a very prevalent issue in our society. And with abuse perpetrated by men against women being rooted in women’s unequal status in society, it is clear that something needs to change. It is also clear that it is up to us men to play a part in this change.

Whilst men may not all feel as though they are responsible for such situations, it is on all of us to do our part to ensure these situations don’t happen again. 


Here are five things men can do to help end violence against women.


Acknowledge and understand how sexism, male privilege and male dominance lay a solid foundation for violence against women. Recognise this situation, and bring awareness to it.


Remember that silence is affirming. When we choose not to speak out against male violence, we are, in turn, supporting it. Do your part to speak out where possible, whether that’s within your family or friendship circle, on social media, or in situations where calling someone out will be effective.


Educate yourself, and educate the men around you. Learn about your responsibility in ending male violence against women, and share this knowledge with others. The more men who are tuned into this, the more that can be achieved.


Challenge societal pressures, expectations and traditional stereotypes of manhood that prevent us from taking a stand to end violence against women. Notice where outdated and unhelpful stereotypes are being used, and do your part to break them down.


Accept that male violence against women will not come to an end until men become part of the solution to end it. We must play an active part in creating a society that no longer has space for it to exist.

At MEUS we are passionate about contributing to important conversations – both large and small. And not only this, but we’re all about backing up our words with actions and consistency. It is embedded into our move, connect and reflect way of life. We’d love for you to join us in this movement.